

An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Airplane Etiquette

December 13, 2024

Traveling to the other side of the world in a few hours is nothing short of remarkable, yet flying remains an uncomfortable ordeal for many. Poorly mannered passengers are often to blame, but norms around airplane etiquette suffer from the lack of a clear consensus. For this reason, Airglitch has compiled an illustrated guide to help you navigate the unwritten rules of economy class. Share your thoughts on socials if you would like to suggest edits or additions.


The armrests between two seats are not a space for one or the other passenger, they are a buffer between each passenger's private space. This boundary can only be crossed temporarily, for operations such as picking something in your pocket or removing your sweater.

Illustration showing buffer zone between two airplane seats

The exception for middle seat passengers only prevails for half for the armrest's length. They can operate a side rest, but a full use of the armrest is unreasonable, as the risks of touching the other passenger are far too high.

Illustration showing buffer zones on three-seat row

In the case of an empty middle seat, the length of the armrest should be translated to the center of the seat to mark the buffer are.

Illustration showing buffer zones with empty middle seat

While elbows are the main concern around the trespassing of buffer areas, the same logic applies for personal belongings. An ample jacket, a piece of seat-belt, or a pillow should not be hanging over there.

Private space

The length of the armrest marks the buffer space between two seats, this area must remain empty. The space under the seat fully belongs to the passenger in the back. Leg benders must keep their heels away from it.

Private space area around seat

Field of view

Principles around private space translate to the field of view. While watching someone else's movie without sound is enticing to many, refrain from gazing at anything within your neighbor's territory. However, looking at screens that falls within your line of sight through the armrest's gap is fair game.

Allowed field of view of window passenger

Reclining seats

Seats are not to be reclined during meals. It is also good manner to wait until the first meal has been served and cleaned up before (gently) reclining your seat.

Illustration showing forbidden seat recline during meals

On long-haul flights with two meal services, returning your seat to its upright position for subsequent meals is optional. You may be asleep, and the discomfort of sitting upright is often greater after hours of reclining than at the start of the journey.

Timeline showing reclining allowed after first meal

Crying babies

Babies cry. Favour using earplugs over eye rolling to the parents - they are doing their best. However, eye rolling at parents of older kids who are flapping tables or punching seats is encouraged.

No eye rolling to crying babies

Window blinds control

Passengers seating at the window seat have agency over the blind. If the porthole is ambiguously positioned between two seats, the front passenger generally wins. This is because reclining their seat will likely bring the window closer to them.

No eye rolling to crying babies

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Last update on December 13, 2024